Video interview with Mr. Štefan Kilársky, the founder of company Purgina. Covers the beginnings of our company and its transformation into the current form. Produced by HN daily.
We are a family owned company bringing innovation to printing of self-adhesive labels with added value. We are the segment-leader in Slovakia, Hungary, with strong presence in Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, and other markets of Western Europe.
For over two decades in the market Purgina helps clients to innovate labels for wine and spirits, graphic labels for FMCG, self-adhesive labels for cosmetics, pharmaceutical labels, durables and thermal labels. Thanks to our approach we can deliver sophisticated products and provide comprehensive service for every customer.
We offer services of internal graphic department, warehouse management and assistance in labelling process as well.
Na Slovensku sme sa etablovali ako priekopníci v segmente samolepiacich etikiet s pridanou hodnotou najmä pre segment vína. Naše skúsenosti posúvajú možnosti produktového marketingu mnohých spokojných zákazníkov.
Zahraničná klientela oceňuje naše remeselné prevedenie tlače. Rakúsky a maďarský vinári, francúzsky výrobcovia šampanského, ale aj pivovarníci a výrobcovia potravín.
Sme dodávateľom technologicky náročných samolepiacich etikiet pre celé spektrum veľkoodberateľov. Ponúkame rad služieb prispôsobený každému typu zákazníka.
We are suppliers of self-adhesive labels on roll to a spectre of demanding wholesale customers. Our range of services is customised upon needs of every client.
Video interview with Mr. Štefan Kilársky, the founder of company Purgina. Covers the beginnings of our company and its transformation into the current form. Produced by HN daily.
Video reportáž so zakladateľom Ing. Štefanom Kilárskym o firme Purgina od denníka HN v skratke predstavuje začiatky našej spoločnosti a jej prerod do súčasnej podoby.
Self-adhesive labels on rolls are primarily intended for application by machine. However, if you want to label your products by hand, here are some advices on how to avoid usual problems.
by using a transparent foil we achieve the visual effect of printing directly on the bottle
by adding additives to the paint or foil stamping we achieve an original effects (pearl effect, matt / gloss, sand paper effect)
allows full-colour printing with the smallest render graphic details
použitím priehľadnej fólie dosiahneme vizuálny efekt potlače priamo na fľašu
pridaním aditív do laku, či raziacich fólií dosahujeme originálne efekty (pearl effect, matt / gloss, sand paper effect)
umožňuje plnofarebnú tlač pri vykreslení najmenších grafických detailov
by varnishing the label as a whole, or in part using a relief painting, it is possible to achieve a specific effect and a combination of surfaces
traditional print technique allowing coating by high-capacity layers and relief effects
printing technology that can reach the best depth of colour and an excellent colour stability
nalakovaním celej etikety, či využitím čiastočného a reliéfneho lakovania, je možné dosiahnuť špecifický efekt a kombináciu povrchov
tradičná tlač umožňujúca nános krycích, vysoko opacitných vrstiev a reliéfnych efektov
farebná tlač dosahujúca výbornú sýtosť a stálosť farieb